32. Mahegvara and other gods sons do hostage to the



As soon as the Bodhisattva was born, the gods son Mahegvara turned to the Cuddhavasakayika gods sons and spoke thus: "The Bodhisattva, the Great Being, has appeared in the world and will in a short time attain the highest and most perfect Wisdom. Come, let us go and greet him, do him homage, honor and praise him". Then the gods son Mahegvara surrounded and followed by twelve hundred thousand gods sons, after filling the whole great city of Kapilavastu with radiance, came to the place where king (uddhQdana's palace stood . . . and after saluting the Bodhisattva's feet with his head and throwing his upper garment over one shoulder, he walked round him some hundred thousand times, keeping his right side towards him, took the Bodhisattva in his arms and spoke encouraging words to guddhodana. After the gods son Mahegvara with the Cuddhavasakayika gods sons had thus performed the ceremony of thegreat homage, hereturned to his own dwelling. ( 112: 3, 13; 113: I, 4, 1 1, 13).


On this relief too the royal pendapa is on the left, here with trigulaotnements on the roof, king Cuddhodana still sits with his son on his knee on a cushion with some female attendants behind him. The gods also sit on cushions, three of them; the nearest, making a sembah, must be Mahe,cvara. Nothing is to be seen of the homage to the feet of the Bodhisattva or of a pradaksina; the gods son is sitting just like the Hi on the last relief. The right is occupied by the king's suite, servants standing some of them with the usual bowls of flowers. and seated ones. The front ones only bearing swords and shields, while in the background, as well as the king's umbrella, bows and arrows are to be seen.