10. The king is advised lo sacrifice the kinnari

To bring a little variety into a scene that would otherwise be too much like No. 7, the sculptor has unfortlmately replaced the single purohita mentioned in the text by a group of six brahmans. The pavilion, in which the king and queen and two attendants are seated, is placed quite on the left. Under their seat is a waterjug and a servant. The king is making a gesture with the left hand that looks more like one of hesitation than protest against what he hears . The queen on the contrary is quite upset and being supported by her women. To the right of the pavilion is the group of six brahmans, the advisers, three sittingand three standing. The first one sitting is evidently by the gesture of his hand the spokesman, so he must be the chaplain; the others, one making a sembah and two more holding flowers, respectfully await the king's decision. Separated from this group by a tree, the guard is sitting on the right, armed with swords and shields, while the royal insignia are fixed up in the background.