18. Sudhana recognises Manohara from the group of kinnari's

In my opinion this is the only scene about which Foucher is mistaken. He sees here only that Dn~ma gives the hand of his daughter to the prince . On the contrary I think it much more likely that a second test is meant for Sudhana to undergo, as described most elaborately in the text; i. e. that he was to select Manohara out of a group of kinnan's exactly resembling her . In a pendapa on the lefthand of the relief, next to which two seated and one standing waiting-maids are seen, there are a large number (seven) of maidens, dressed and adorned exactly alike, just what the text leads us to expect for Sudhana's choice, whereas if this must represent a princess with her attendants, the entire absence of all distinction between mistress and maids would be incomprehensible. The details of the pendapa are not complete, the sculptor has only put in a few points and left the rest in the rough. On the right, next to the p~endapa, stands the prince looking at the maidens; he wears here, and nowhere else , the halo belonging to him as Bodhisattva. On the right of the relief sits the king, also with a halo, on a high throne with a back and a woman beside him holding a flower in her hand; under the throne and opposite the king some attendants are seated; behind the queen is a waiting woman. Notice the standard with a winged shell, set up between the king and the prince.