2. The king of South-Pancla journeying through his kingdom
Quite to the right is the traditional woody wilderness represented, rocks, trees with birds and a pair of deer. Tl~e king's procession is coming from the right and here also trees indicate the forest. No sign is to be seen of it being a hunting-party. The king is mounted on a horse with his legs drawn up till the soles of his feet rest on the saddle. The umbrella-bearer walks just behind him; the rest of his company, some with weapons, are on foot, in front as well as behind the king. The foremost and the very last person do not belong to the royal retinue, but can be recognized by their plain dress and the absence of headdress as villagers probably commandeered to shew the way. The one behind has some indistinct object under his arm with two long points or teeth to it, the front one looks rather like a brahman with his carefully trimmed beard and hair brushed back and twisted up; he leans with the left hand on a stick and holds up a square knife in the right. To cut a path through the forest even now is quite an ordinary thing, but perhaps the sculptor intended in this to call attention to the poor and neglected state of the country. However it may be, the meaning of the whole scene is quite clear and cannot be anything else than the journey of the king of the South through his deserted land.