44. Mandhatar sets out to conquer the world

The sculptor has plainly emphasized two particulars of the text i. e. that the royal journey was made by air and that the king was preceded bythe royal jewels. To shew the first he has not chosen to depict them all hovering in flight through the air, but gives the whole company in the attitude of walking with their feet only a few centimetres above the ground. This must have given a curious look to the nearly-worn-away umbrella-bearer who is either kneeling or sitting j ust off the ground. Only the first of the jewels that precede the procession have a flying attitude. In the left top corner we see first the disk on a lotus-cushion and the gem and below, partly overlapping each other, the elephant, horse and woman, the last in the real attitude of flying. Then immediately following, a yaksa recognizable by his wild erect curling hair, undoubtedly the kings herald and adviser, Divaukasa. As this figure is armed with sword and shield, it might possibly do for the seventh "jewel", the leader of the army. If not, we must consider that not all the jewels are depicted. This group ends with the umbrella-bearer who holds his umbrella over the yaksa. Then comes the king, whose head has an aureole, with a flower in his right hand; we have already noticed his umbrellabearer. Some servants, then last the royal army; a few have bows and arrows but most of them swords and shields.