45. The king asks what there is yet to be conquered

The sculptor gives us only one of the many times the king asks Divaukasa what is left for him to conquer and the yaksa shows him another part of the world; of course the scenes would have been too much alike and besides the sculptor seems to have been restricted as regards this part of the story, for not one scene is given strewing the journey to the dwelling of the gods. A large hall of the palace takes up more than half the relief; the king, still wearing his halo, sits on a throne with a back, and turns to Divaukasa sitting on the floor on his lefthand. The latter is rather damaged, but plainly to be recognised as a yaksa by his wild curly mass of hair'); he }as too the large round earrings worn byyaksa's. He wears a beard that he did not have on the last relief; this is only carelessness of the sculptor, such as we often meet with. It is as well to notice this, as an example for cases of dubious identification, so that we need not always be led astray by the different aspect of the same person on various reliefs. Behind the king a large number of women are kneeling in the hall, thus the king is evidently in the women's appartments. On the left of the scene, outside the building, are some courtiers, with empty hands and unarmed; in the background, an elephant and a horse.