46. Mandhatar as fakra's equal

In the middle of the relief, on a throne with a canopy, we see the two figures in robes of ceremony, each with a halo, Okra and Mandhatar. The head of one of them has been knocked off, but even if that had not happened, we could certainly never distinguish the god from the human being, as the text tells us that there was no difference to be seen, only that Qakra's eyes did not blink. Then on the right, where a few trees appear in the background, a number of other gods are sitting on a stone platform, making a sembah, and quite in the corner a few figures are placed lower, only one of whom is not damaged and shews us that they were more plainly-dressed and must be gods of lower rank or some sort of divine servants. To the left of the throne there are two more rows, one standing with dishes and flowers in their hands, and one sitting, many of them armed with sword and shield. As this is quite unusual in a heavenly scene it is possible that the above-described are not dwellers of the heavens but the retinue of Mandhatar who have accompanied him here. In that case the figure seated on the same side of the throne, the one who has lost his head, would be the human king and the sculptor has, after all, indicated which is Mandhatar.