49. Cakra turns away from Mandhatar(?)

Here too, the king and queen sit in a pavilion on the right; this building leas a wing at each side. In the one on the right, that does not come entirely on to the relief, we see a small kneeling figure, its hands raised above the head in sembah, on which the queen's gaze is fixed. In the wing on the left is a man richly-dressed, making a sembah while the king speaks to him. Behind this person but outside the pavilion we see again a row of important men sitting, surely no servants but perhaps the companions of those in front; as far as their appearance goes, they might quite well be gods. A tree and the royal insignia can be seen in the back~round. On the extreme left is placed a god or king with a halo—the only halo there—standing with his back to the whole scene, evidently turning away from the king and the assembled company. This should be Cakra, who after Mandhatar's audacious last wish is leaving him and on the point of hurling him down to earth. Meanwhile the presence of the queen on this and the last relief, as well as the identity of the distinguished person to whom the king is speaking, remain unexplained. It seems very probable that no. 48 and 49 belong together and we might be inclined to take them for the beginning of a new tale. But then the story of Mandhatar would end with the battle between the gods and asura's and it is surely unlikely that the moral of this tale would be omitted.