5. The hunter captures Manohara

In the midst of some fruit-trees, right of the scene, sits the rsi with his waterjug near him; he is extremely thin (one can count his ribs), wears nothing but a loin-apron, an indistinct necklace and his hair in rsi-fashion

twisted up in a large knot on top of his heads not plaited in the welll~nown loops as we continually see the ordinary ascetics wear it. On the left against the trees sits the hunter, here again in the ordinary clothes belonging to his despised caste; in the left hand he probably held the lasso now disappeared (the coils of it are just visible) with which he has captured Manohara. She stands on the edge of the lake more to the left, and above her attendants are flying away through the air. The princess as well as her retinue are strewn in ordinary human form, quite becomingly, for it would be very unsuitable to unite Sudhana to a spouse in the traditonal shape of the liinnara's with a bird's body and make his love for her seem abnormal—besides the text, as far as we can judge, means to represent them in the shape of human beings. The last of the flying kinnarl's turns to fool: at her captured mistress; the right hand is raised, perhaps a gesture of despair, but not very effective. Quite on the left of the relief some rocks with trees, birds and wild beasts shew the mountainous scenery of the drama.