60. Homage offered by Cakra
The Bodhisattva with his halo sits in the middle of the scene on a large throne of honor with a nicheshaped back, he is very much damaged. On the right on a lower seat is the king of the gods, also very much worn-away, he too has a halo and an umbrella over him as well. He turns to the king with a flower in his left hand. Two servants are sitting behind him, the first with a bowl, the second with an incensestand and fan; both have lost their head-dress, but the first shews traces of the large elephant ears that would identify him as Airavata and thus his master as Cakra, though they are not very distinct. On the left are seated more of those who pay homage, with trees behind them; they have a diadem-shaped headdress, the front one holds an incense-burner and fan, the next a large lotus-bud, the third a whole bouquet lifted up in his hands. It seems to me these are not earthly courtiers but more like a group of heavenly beings; they may be the witnesses of the deed, mentioned in the text or perhaps the version followed by the sculptors transported the demonstration of homage to the heavens. The entire absence of an earthly kings' retinue makes this look probable.