The story of Sambula(?)

(Jataka no. 519) 1)

Prince Sotthisena, when he came of age, was appointed viceroy by his father the king; his chief spouse was named Sambula and she was exceedingly beautiful. After some time signs of leprosy appeared on the prince; then the disease increased and in despair he determined to leave the court and retire into solitude. Sambula could not be persuaded to leave her husband; the faithful spouse accompanied the unhappy prince and they settled in the wilderness together in, a well-watered district in the forest, where she ministered lovingly to his wants. One day when she had just been bathing, a yaksa caught sight of her and became enamoured of her, but the virtuous wife resisted his persuasions and his violence. Her virtue made the throne of Qakra hot, the king of the gods hastened to the earth, stood with thevajrainhishandoverthe yaksa end ordered him off. When she returned, her spouse was suspicious about her long absence and refused to believe her tale, till she convinced him by declaring that as surely it was true, so surely she would be able to cure his disease. With these words she sprinkled him with water and behold, his terrible sickness disappeared. They returned with joy to the court where the king entertained them royally and withdrawing himself from the throne he crowned his son in his place. The young king soon began to neglect his wife until his father, who was aware how this grieved her, recalled his son to his duty.

61. The prince and princess at court

This meaningless relief might represent any royal pair in their surroundings just as well as Sotthisena and Sambula. They are seated together on a wide couch, each leaning against a separate back, in a pavilion just in the middle of the scene; the prince (very much damaged) lays his hand on his wife's knee. Next to the pavilion are the attendants on both sides, among them two with swords. The right hand group sits under a tree; on the left, next to the pavilion, is a waiting-woman with a flywhisk, next to her a bearded man with a rosette on his forehead, not enough left of him to see if he is a brahman; the others present are ordinary courtiers. On the left in the background, besides a pair of birds flying, can be seen an elephant, an umbrella and a leaf fan.