74. Queen Candraprabha is ordained nun

The hall, in which the ceremony takes place, reaches across the whole relief so that no figures appear outside of it. The wings are not strewn in section but in elevation against the large centre-hall on both sides. A peacock is perched on each of them. On the right inside the hall, is a wide bench with a back and the usual vases under it; on this two nuns are seated, the front one of course is (alla and the second, as Foucher very correctly perceived, serves as the needful quorum for the solemn ceremony. A couple of attendants, one with a lotus in her hand, sit far on the right behind the bench. In front of the women to the left are placed a dish of lotuses and a stand, with a bouquet on it between two incense-burners, and on the other side of this kneels a third woman with folded hands, shorn head and dress without any ornement; this of course is the new bhiksun~, the ex-queen Candraprabha. Several attendants fashionably-dressed are standing behind her and fill up the rest of the hall; the front one makes a sembah, at the same time holding a large lotus , the second holds a folded garment in both hands, it may be the royal raiment just laid aside by the queen or, what seems more likely, the nun's dress she is about to assume. The royal figure has suffered a good deal of damage, but it really looks as if the ex-queen does not yet wear the same dress as the two nuns seated on the bench.