82. The shower of precious stones

Along the whole length of the topedge of the relief is a border of clouds with overturned pots in front of it. Out of these the precious stones are raining down and as the miracles of the other days are not separately depicted, the sculptor has here given rein to his fancy with necklaces, gold rings and coins in a shower of riches. A temple or palace, seen on the right, indicates the city doomed to destruction. Next to that sits the king with a woman on a pendapa-seat with a wide back, watching the miraculous shower, a servant with the folded bowl is opposite. Under the seat are the usual vases etc. On the lefthand remainder of the relief the delighted populace are gathering up the treasure, all poorly-dressed, undoubtedly lower class. We see one standing and one sitting row, every one busy with a dish or cloth or their hands collecting the valuables or carrying them away. Below on the left is a boat being loaded up with the treasures. The text makes us expect the ship in which Hiru and Bhiru will presently set sail, but the sculptor has thought otherwise. There is no sign of water, the vessel is high and dry among the jewel-collectors, it is nothing better than a sloop, certainly not fit for a successful escape and then so overloaded with treasure that no place is left for the crew. Nor has any attempt been made to distinguish Hiru and Phiru by their costume as prominent men. In fact the sculptor has merely put in a boat to be loaded with treasure and neglected all the other circumstances.