The Popolo Project

Casa dei Crescenzi, built with spolia, 12thC,
Casa dei Crescenzi, built with spolia, 12thC,
Casina dell'Aurora, interior, view,
Castel Sant'Angelo, Camera del Perseo, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, Camera del Perseo, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, Camera del Perseo, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, Corridor of the Grotesque, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, Cortile of Alexander VI, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior panorama with Tiber, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior panorama with Tiber, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior panorama with Tiber, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior panorama with Tiber, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior views, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior: to sort, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior: to sort, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC
Castel Sant'Angelo, exterior: to sort, Mausoleum of Hadrian etc, 130 AD & 16thC

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