The Popolo Project |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7258 | |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7259 | |
The Popolo Project |
S Maria del Popolo Location: nave & aisle Patron: - marble Date: various dates Subject: view Image: 726 | |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7260 | |
The Popolo Project |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7261 | |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7262 | |
The Popolo Project |
Aurelian walls of Rome Location: view: Porta S Paolo Patron: Aurelian brick and marble Date: reg.270-5ff Subject: view Image: 7263 | |
Palazzo di Propaganda Fide Location: exterior Patron: enlarged by Urban VIII brick stucco travertine Date: 1653-7 Subject: Image: 7265 | |