The Popolo Project |
Piazza del Popolo Location: piazza Patron: designed for Pius IV travertine Date: 1816-24 Subject: New Year's Eve 2000 concert preparations: view Image: 809 | |
S Maria del Popolo Location: facade Patron: rebuilt under Sixtus IV travertine Date: 1472-7 Subject: detail of right bay Image: 8098 | |
The Popolo Project |
S Maria del Popolo Location: facade Patron: rebuilt under Sixtus IV travertine Date: 1472-7 Subject: detail of right bay Image: 8099 | |
S Maria del Popolo Location: Basso della Rovere Patron:
Date: ? Subject: view Image: 81 | |
The Popolo Project |
Piazza del Popolo Location: piazza Patron: designed for Pius IV travertine Date: 1816-24 Subject: New Year's Eve 2000 concert preparations: view Image: 810 | |
S Maria del Popolo Location: facade Patron: rebuilt under Sixtus IV travertine Date: 1472-7 Subject: central door Image: 8100 | |
The Popolo Project |
S Maria del Popolo Location: facade Patron: rebuilt under Sixtus IV travertine Date: 1472-7 Subject: pediment Image: 8101 | |
S Maria del Popolo Location: facade Patron: rebuilt under Sixtus IV travertine Date: 1472-7 Subject: detail of right bay Image: 8102 | |