The inscriptions at the Taj Mahal have been judiciously selected and artistically inscribed over the main gateway, in the Mosque and the tomb proper, in panels around the arched portals, alcoves and the niches. They are chiefly verses from the Koran, which is considered by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to Mohammed. While inlaying this calligraphy, Shah Jehan's calligraphers have performed an amazing optical trick : the size of the lettering that runs up and over the arch appears to be consistent from top to bottom. This illusion was created by gradually heightening the size of the letters as their distance from the eye increased; from the ground the dimensions seem the same at every point.

The South Gateway which is the main entrance has, along its front and sides, the whole chapter 'Walfazr' (The Daybreak) (Sura-89, containing 30 verses), chapter 'Wad-duha' (The Glorious Morning Light) (Sura-93, containing 11 verses), chapter 'Wat-tin' (The Fig) (Sura-95, containing 8 verses), and chapter 'Alam-nashrah' (Have We Not Opened) (Sura-94, containing 8 verses).

Inside the Mosque have been inscribed fifteen verses of Sura-91, entitled 'Wash-Shams' (The Sun) and four of Sura-112 entitled 'Sura Ikhlas' (The Declaration of Gods Unity).

The portals (iwans) of the main tomb are adorned with the text of Sura-36 entitled 'Ya-Sin' (containing 83 verses). Arched niches inside the portals have verses from Sura-81 entitled 'Izash-Shamso Kuvvirat' (The Folding Up), Sura-82 entitled 'Izas-Samaun Fatarat' (The Cleaving in Sunder), Sura-84 entitled 'Iz-as-Samaun Shaqqat' (The Rending in Sunder) and Sura-98 entitled 'Lam-Yankonil Kafaroo' (The Evidence). In the mortuary hall, around the frieze and arched niches are inscribed verses from Sura-67 entitled 'Mulk' (Dominion), Sura-48 entitled 'Fath' (Victory), Sura-77 entitiled 'Mursalat' (Those Sent Forth) and Sura-39 entitled 'Zumar' (The Crowds).

Besides these Koranic verses, Persian inscriptions are found inlaid in between beautiful stylised floral patterns on the tombstones and the cenotaphs in the lower and upper hall respectively. They are epitaphs :

  1. The one's on Mumtaz's cenotaph are :
  2. The inscription on the tomb of Shah Jehan is as follows : " The illustrious sepulchre and sacred resting place of His Most Exalted Majesty dignified as the guardian of Paradise, having his abode in Paradise, and his dwelling in the starry heaven, inhabitant of the regions of bliss, the second lord of the Qiran, Shah Jehan, the king valiant. May his tomb ever flourish, and may his abode be in the heavens. He travelled from this transitory world to the world of eternity on the night of the 28th of the month of Rajab, 1666 A.D."
The tombstones and the cenotaphs also bear a few verses from chapters 40,41,83,2,59,39,3 and 23. They have very carefully been selected for the place and depict the realities of life and death in one way or the other.

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