Architecture, mainly Mediterranean, by country

Side, Turkey, house, interior, view of entrance door jambs, 12182
Side, Turkey, services, fountain outside late gate, the water basins, 12169
Side, Turkey, theatre, theatre interior, frons scenae: closeup of doorway, 12159
Side, Turkey, theatre, theatre interior, frons scenae: pediment block, 12160
Side, Turkey, theatre, theatre interior, frons scenae: tunnel, 12135
Side, Turkey, theatre, theatre interior, seating: closeup of lions' feet, 12165
Silifke Museum, Turkey, civic, make head, face, 11799
Silifke Museum, Turkey, civic, Standing headless cuirassed military statue, cuirass & skirt from side, 11794
Silifke Museum, Turkey, civic, Standing headless cuirassed military statue, Medusa on cuirass & cloak, 11788
Silifke Museum, Turkey, civic, Standing headless cuirassed military statue, view from side, 11754
Silifke Museum, Turkey, funerary, Byzantine sarcophagus: central cross, view, 11741
Silifke Museum, Turkey, funerary, sarcophagus lid, recumbant lion: closeup of head, 11808
Silifke Museum, Turkey, funerary, stele with bust, view, 11766
Silifke Museum, Turkey, funerary, stele with seated figure, view, 11777
Speyer, Germany, religious, Cathedral (1020ff), exterior: view of towers, 15099
Syedra near Alanya, Turkey, building unknown, walls, view, 11843

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